The NEW home study version of our popular VIP Day Intensive is finally here!
This is a perfect fit for you, if you’re ready to:
* Eliminate all kinds of money clutter to let the new abundance in
* Hear what your money is REALLY saying to you
* Release ancestral money stories that are holding you back
* Create your money blueprint that will guide you moving forward
* Connect to your core feminine power, and play big in your business and life
Special introductory offer of $97 (regular price $297)
…or…get more details of all the goodies awaiting you:
Module 1 – From money clutter to money miracles!
Like any type of clutter, unresolved money situations can pile up, robbing you of time, energy and freedom. We’ll focus on clearing away these situations (and the physical clutter associated with them) so you can begin to experience renewed confidence and financial freedom.
Module 2 – Hear what your money is whispering to you
This guided visualization bypasses the usual way you think about money, and allows you to experience your true relationship with it. It’s fun and completely different than anything else you’ve tried so far. Through a series of questions and answers, it’ll show you a new way to look and feel about money that is much more aligned with your true nature.
Module 3 – Activate your Feminine Wealth Codes
A powerful Pure Light Energy™ transmission that will focus on the activation of the Feminine Wealth Codes, on releasing any ancestral money issues, dissolving any blocks that might be blocking your flow of abundance. You will be able to experience this energy clearing over and over again, releasing more blocks every time.
Module 4 – Create your Feminine Wealth Blueprint
This blueprint will anchor everything you’ve learned in the first three modules. It will create a solid foundation for confidently moving forward in your life and business. You’ll become aware of what your new money values are, and create a list of specific actions you can take immediately. This one’s a keeper!
What happy participants are saying…
“Working with Julia was transformational for me. We did a money visualization that changed the way I feel about money. I realized that money can be my friend and I can work with it as a force for good in the world. I’m so excited to take this new attitude into 2014 and beyond!” – Jennifer Knowlan
“This work with Julia has been truly miraculous, and has helped me step into who I really am. As a result, I feel very much aligned and clear on what my life’s work is, and how to trust myself” – Nova Wightman
“I am confident that my life has become more full, the love that I feel in my life is deeper and more rich and I am able to live life with an openness that I have never experienced before working with Julia” – Cassandra Lyons
What you will get:
- The audio recordings of each of the four modules separately, plus the introduction audio.
- “Activate your Feminine Wealth Codes” energy transmission session, which you can listen to as many times as you like, deepening your results with each activation.
- the “Feminine Wealth Blueprint” worksheet, that you’ll be able to refer to over and over again.
- BONUS: my Gremlin Chaser Technique™, both the pdf and the audio version. The pdf version contains an interactive journal, where you can record your experiences, and track your progress.
Last word…
This is what Alaina says about the energy transmission in Module 3: “I was secretly thinking I was going to have to “act” like I felt something. Well, I REALLY DID!!! I felt it then and I’ve continued to “feel” and “see” changes in myself. I highly recommend Julia’s Feminine Wealth Activation! Her passion for her work, for her own energetic liberation and that of her clients is genuine, powerful, and profound.” – Alaina Odessa