What’s Your Money Clutter? Find out!

What’s Your Money Clutter? Find out!

Money-ClutterSo how do you know if you have money clutter in your life, and why is it important to get rid of it? Well, chances are you do have it…because most people do, without even realizing it.

First, it’s important to become aware of it, and then clear it, because it’s like a giant energy ‘hogger’ in your subconscious mind. It’s holding you back in many areas of your life, especially where money is concerned, and you don’t even know it.

How do you recognize money clutter? You know it’s money clutter because it feels unfinished, unresolved, messy and complicated, or it’s something you’ve been avoiding!

Here are some of the most common examples of money clutter:

#1 People Owe You Money

Do you know what I’m talking about? Your friend Sally really needed to borrow some money, because [insert the reason here]. You didn’t give it to her as a gift, but you also didn’t discuss the repayment plan. Why? Because she’s your friend, and you trust her, right? Well, now it’s six months later and you haven’t seen any of your money. You’re too embarrassed to ask. Sounds familiar?

Or, a client owes you money, or defaulted on their payment, but he/she is still your client, and you keep providing your services, because you’re afraid to upset them. Could that be you?

#2 You Owe People Money

The situation can be reversed, and you are the one owing money to your friends and/or family members. Unless both parties have good boundaries, and are very good and clear with money, this situation can become very entangled and messy. Chances are that if you’re not paying back the money, however slowly, feelings of guilt and shame start creeping in. Many a friendship has been lost because of such circumstances.

#3 Bills and Receipts Mess

You don’t have your bills and receipts in their proper folders. Instead, they’re all over the kitchen counter, or in a shoe box. Every time you walk by the stack, you feel guilty, because you know it needs to be done…but you keep putting it off. The energy drain is huge. This one is really quite common.

#4 Erratic Bill Payments  

You haven’t really taken the time to list all your payments, with their due dates. As a consequence, your bill payments are irregular, or worse, you miss a payment or two. This can be especially bad if you have credit card debts, as your credit rating may be affected.

#5 Wallet Woes  

It seems that women in particular are afflicted with this (sorry ladies, I used to be guilty of it myself). Here’s the picture:

  • Your wallet has definitely seen better days (tattered, torn, broken zipper, etc.).
  • It’s way too small for your current needs, never mind being able to accommodate larger amounts of money!
  • It’s oddly shaped and the colour is drab.
  • There is absolutely nothing glamorous about it!
  • It’s overflowing with receipts, so there isn’t really any room left for the money.

Guilty? The good news is that most of us also love shopping, so buying a new wallet might be a fun project.

I hope you found this subject enlightening, or at least thought and action provoking. I’d love to hear which of the above applies to you, and what you’re going to do to change it. Looking forward to reading your comments!

With love and bliss,


P.S. I specialize in helping women in business (and smart men :)) to dissolve their negative money beliefs and habits, so that they can achieve the financial success they desire, in a short time. If you’d like to talk to me about this for 30 minutes, 1:1 (my gift to you!), please fill out this simple application, and we’ll let you know if you got a spot for “Clear Your Money Clutter” breakthrough session.




Do you charge what you’re worth?

Do you charge what you’re worth?

thanksgivingWell, do you?

Let’s start with an even more fundamental question: do you even know what you’re worth? I certainly didn’t. And before I go any further, I want to explain exactly what I mean.

What I’m talking about is knowing the value of your work, the impact your work is having on your clients, and on the people around you. Most of you have either never really thought about it in those terms, or you completely underestimated your value. The result is what I call ‘chronic undercharging’…anyone?

Am I close? If you’ve answered ‘yes’ here, don’t worry, because fortunately, this is an easy thing to change with some coaching and mentoring. I was in the same position over a year ago, and now I can’t believe the difference in my thinking and my attitude.

I want to share some valuable tips here with you that will start you on the road to recovery from chronic undercharging and undervaluing yourself.

I’ll be honest with you, this is the quickest and best way I know to turn your business around. To go from overworking and not making enough money, to having a comfortable income, feeling confident…and perhaps the best part: being able to be of service to a lot of people, for a long time to come.

Tip #1:

First you really need to take care of your money mindset, and clear any emotional blocks to charging more. Most people have all kinds of money clutter and negative money beliefs going on in their lives, and that is stopping them from moving forward, and achieving their financial goals.

Tip #2:

You need to learn simple steps to track your income and expenses in your business and your personal life, so that you know your costs. As we all know there are costs associated with running a business, and even though this may sound obvious, you’d be surprised to learn how many entrepreneurs don’t  really know their costs.

Tip #3:

Discover the impact that your product or service is having on your clients. Document it. Ask for feedback and testimonials. Most of us are in business, because we love what we do, and we’re really good at it. We’re good at it because it is one of our gifts, and it comes really easy to us. We tend to assume that other people also find it easy to do the same thing, and we take it for granted. The truth is, lots of people really need your gift and your service, because they cannot do it for themselves.

Tip #4:

Learn how to package your services into programs that sell. There is a certain art to doing this, starting with a really good and meaningful title. The title alone can either make or break your offer, so make sure to research the subject, and come up with a title that’s going to immediate draw in your potential clients.

Tip #5:

Base your pricing on the results people get, rather than on the competition. I know from my own experience, I often end up paying more for something that I know will get me the exact results I’m looking for, rather than trying to ‘save’ money on something that in the end will just be a waste of my time and money. That’s why it’s so important to know the value of what you’re providing, so that you can confidently set your prices, and be in an energetic harmony with them.

I hope you found these tips valuable. I’d love to hear your thoughts in the comments below.

Wishing you a beautiful day.

With love and bliss,


P.S. In the spirit of the Canadian Thanksgiving, what are you thankful for today?

P.P.S. Are you ready to charge what you’re worth? If so, apply for a 30 minute complimentary “Time to Charge What You’re Worth” Breakthrough Session. All you need to do is answer a few simple questions, and we will let you know if you got a spot. Apply.