The thing about gratitude (even if you’re not feeling it right now)….

SONY DSCThe thing about gratitude (even if you’re not feeling it right now)….


….is, that it’s one of those powerful states of being that can completely transform your life…and it’s also deeply human to not always be fully in it, and feeling it!

So if you’re ‘not feeling it’, despite it being the Thanksgiving Day in the US today, don’t worry, I’ll show you how you can get there, no matter where you’re starting from.

Just over four years ago

I wasn’t exactly waking up with a song on my lips, and gratitude in my heart, either. It was more like panic over how I was going to pay my bills, and blaming myself for being such a failure.

And then something changed…

I began hearing internal whispers, encouraging me to start feeling grateful for what was already in my life. At first I couldn’t think of a darn thing, with all the chaotic negativity swirling around in there. Then the image of my beautiful son appeared, and in an instant my heart flooded with love and gratitude.

I then put my hands over my heart and felt its steady beat…that too filled me with profound gratitude for just being alive, and for having this rich human experience, with all its ups and downs. “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” ~ Lao-tzu  That was my first step.

I then made a daily ritual…

…of listing all the things I was grateful for that day, even though it didn’t come easily or naturally at first. I stayed with it, as I knew it was going to help me change my life…and it did.

I wanted to share this story with you, in case you needed to hear it today.

I also wanted to give you a gift…

It’s from my ELVS series (ELVS stands for Essentia Light Vibrations™). It’s a series of simple daily gratitude mantras that will help you get started in creating your own daily gratitude ritual.

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Money as Your Spiritual Tool – Motivate, Create, Circulate!

Money as Your Spiritual Tool – Motivate, Create, Circulate!

I have a confession to make:


I’m not highly motivated by money itself!

At first glance it might seem ironic, or even wrong, since a big chunk of my work is helping people dissolve their money blocks, so that they can build their successful businesses and lives! Is this a contradiction? Am I a fake? Am I swimming up my own stream…against the current of my deep purpose and desire?

These questions occurred to me the other day, so I thought they deserved a closer look, not just for my own peace of mind, but as a wider issue. Because I bet you quite a few of you are nodding your heads at this point, going “Yup, totally, I’m the same way”.

Upon further examination, I’ve decided that no, I’m not a fake (phewww!), and that in fact it makes perfect sense that I coach people to move beyond the conventional perception of money (especially when it’s perceived as evil), and into the more true perception of it, where it is a means of exchange of human energy. The more of it we create in our lives, the more we let it move through us and circulate it, the more good we can create in the world!

I remember when I first got this concept that money really was an integral part of my normal, creative human existence, I found it extremely liberating. I didn’t have to think of money as being ‘bad’ or ‘evil’ any more…what a relief.

Then I realized that I still needed a broader vision, to be actually motivated to create wealth in my life, not just to get by, and not to live in constant fear of not having enough.

Looking at it through these three phases really helped me see that broader picture, and I hope that it’s going to help you too.

Motivate: this is the first phase, where you need to dig deep, and find the motivation for creating abundance and wealth in your life. It’s actually all about motivating yourself, if you are like me, and not naturally driven by money. Here’s where your compelling and indulgent ‘why’ comes in, where you need to find those deep desires in your heart of what you want your life to look like.

For example, doing my work anywhere in the world, being in the sunshine, and smelling beautiful roses, like the one above, is highly motivating for me. What turns your crank?

What do you want to be doing, where do you want to live, who do you want to spend your time with, what do you need money for? It really all boils down to this one question: what are those super important things in your life that you need money to accomplish? Once you have that, then you can add the more selfless motives, like giving back to your favorite charities and organizations, helping others through your work…saving the world…you know what I mean.

Create: the second phase is all about the creation of wealth and money. That’s where you learn all about the nuts and bolts of growing your business, where you hire a mentor to help you put those into practice. It’s where you learn about fine-tuning your mindset and taming your gremlins. It’s where you go and slay your dragons, go onto your hero’s journey, and come home a changed person…metaphorically speaking, of course. Seriously though, this is what it takes to succeed…this is your spiritual path…and that’s why you need that super strong motivation to get you through it.

Circulate: so now you’re ready to circulate the money, because after all, that’s the essence of money, and that’s the reason you’ve worked for it with such dedication. This is where it becomes clear to you that this money doesn’t really belong to you (I mean, technically it ‘belongs’ to you). Money doesn’t really belong to anybody. It came from other people to you (or to be more precise, through other people), and now it is going to go to other people (or through other people)…and so on, and so forth. You get the picture. So as you can see, this is not some highfalutin spiritual concept, it is actually what happens to money.

Before money became the means of exchange between humans, it used to be chickens, or grain, or other goods. If you think about it in those terms, you can see how detrimental it would be to yourself, your family, and humanity at large, if you blocked the flow of those goods to yourself. Soon you and your family would perish, and if everybody did that, pretty soon the human race would cease to exist. Sounds ridiculous, doesn’t it.

So let’s motivate ourselves, let’s keep generating the money through our creative endeavours, and let’s keep this NEW old world going round!

With love and bliss,


What’s Your Money Clutter? Find out!

What’s Your Money Clutter? Find out!

Money-ClutterSo how do you know if you have money clutter in your life, and why is it important to get rid of it? Well, chances are you do have it…because most people do, without even realizing it.

First, it’s important to become aware of it, and then clear it, because it’s like a giant energy ‘hogger’ in your subconscious mind. It’s holding you back in many areas of your life, especially where money is concerned, and you don’t even know it.

How do you recognize money clutter? You know it’s money clutter because it feels unfinished, unresolved, messy and complicated, or it’s something you’ve been avoiding!

Here are some of the most common examples of money clutter:

#1 People Owe You Money

Do you know what I’m talking about? Your friend Sally really needed to borrow some money, because [insert the reason here]. You didn’t give it to her as a gift, but you also didn’t discuss the repayment plan. Why? Because she’s your friend, and you trust her, right? Well, now it’s six months later and you haven’t seen any of your money. You’re too embarrassed to ask. Sounds familiar?

Or, a client owes you money, or defaulted on their payment, but he/she is still your client, and you keep providing your services, because you’re afraid to upset them. Could that be you?

#2 You Owe People Money

The situation can be reversed, and you are the one owing money to your friends and/or family members. Unless both parties have good boundaries, and are very good and clear with money, this situation can become very entangled and messy. Chances are that if you’re not paying back the money, however slowly, feelings of guilt and shame start creeping in. Many a friendship has been lost because of such circumstances.

#3 Bills and Receipts Mess

You don’t have your bills and receipts in their proper folders. Instead, they’re all over the kitchen counter, or in a shoe box. Every time you walk by the stack, you feel guilty, because you know it needs to be done…but you keep putting it off. The energy drain is huge. This one is really quite common.

#4 Erratic Bill Payments  

You haven’t really taken the time to list all your payments, with their due dates. As a consequence, your bill payments are irregular, or worse, you miss a payment or two. This can be especially bad if you have credit card debts, as your credit rating may be affected.

#5 Wallet Woes  

It seems that women in particular are afflicted with this (sorry ladies, I used to be guilty of it myself). Here’s the picture:

  • Your wallet has definitely seen better days (tattered, torn, broken zipper, etc.).
  • It’s way too small for your current needs, never mind being able to accommodate larger amounts of money!
  • It’s oddly shaped and the colour is drab.
  • There is absolutely nothing glamorous about it!
  • It’s overflowing with receipts, so there isn’t really any room left for the money.

Guilty? The good news is that most of us also love shopping, so buying a new wallet might be a fun project.

I hope you found this subject enlightening, or at least thought and action provoking. I’d love to hear which of the above applies to you, and what you’re going to do to change it. Looking forward to reading your comments!

With love and bliss,


P.S. I specialize in helping women in business (and smart men :)) to dissolve their negative money beliefs and habits, so that they can achieve the financial success they desire, in a short time. If you’d like to talk to me about this for 30 minutes, 1:1 (my gift to you!), please fill out this simple application, and we’ll let you know if you got a spot for “Clear Your Money Clutter” breakthrough session.




Which ‘money character’ are you?

Which ‘money character’ are you?


It’s ironic that as humans we invented money to make our lives easier, but over time it’s become one of the most complex reflections of our inner psyche, of who we are as individuals and of our society.

Seriously though, when you think about it, how many people do you know who don’t have any issues with money? I’m not only talking about the basic issue of not having enough, although this one is the most common one, but also about the myriad of other things that pop up whenever money is mentioned.

I’ve done a lot of work around my own money mindset, as I realized that it was stopping me from really stepping out into the world in a way that I desired and was called to do. Am I perfect with it yet? No, of course not. It’s a process that happens over time, with coaching, and with being an entrepreneur and having to deal with money on daily basis. Am I much better at it now? Heck yeah!

The good news is that it’s easier than you think to change any limiting money beliefs, and free yourself from the shackles J

Just for fun, I wanted to show you some archetypal ‘money characters’, to see if you can identify yourself, or anyone you know, in any of these:

  1. The Cringers – you see their facial expression change, the moment the subject of money comes up. It might be subtle (or not), but they cringe, as if to say “not this again”. Somewhere deep inside they hold the notion that money is the root of all evil, and they’re not going to contribute to the spread of it!
  2. The Avoiders – they never talk about money themselves, and if it is mentioned by someone else, they immediately change the subject, or pretend they never even heard what was said. They’d much rather live in a world without money, and try very hard to pretend it is already so, to their own detriment.
  3. The Spenders – their eyes light up when they think of money. They love money, but it never seems to stick around! They love the glitter that money can buy, ‘saving for a rainy day’…not so much.
  4. The Hoarders – they love money, and they never want to part with any of it…no matter what. They’re like squirrels gathering nuts for the winter…except then spring and summer come…and they’re still gathering nuts. The time to enjoy the fruits of their labour never comes.
  5. The Givers– they’d give the proverbial shirts off their backs, and when it comes to money, they tend to lend money to people who are not very likely to pay them back. Why? Because somewhere along the way they’d been told that they don’t matter so much, and that others are more important. They don’t consciously believe it, but it shows up everywhere in their lives.

The funny thing is that we’re not really talking about money here, are we? We’re talking about something much deeper and fundamental: we’re talking about how we show up in the world, how much we’re able to contribute to the world, how well equipped we are to use our full potential, how fulfilling and satisfying our lives end up being. True?

I believe so. I believe that the work we do to fine-tune our money mindset is far reaching. It is the gateway to fulfilling our spiritual path, which really is the same thing as fulfilling our human potential, our purpose.

Women especially tend to have a much more complex relationship with money, and with our own self-worth. It especially starts to show up in a big way as soon as we start our own business.

I’d love to hear your thoughts here on my blog.

With Love and Bliss,



P.S. Are you ready to find out more about your ‘money characters’? Even better, your Sacred Money Archetypes? I invite you to apply for one of the 30 minute private conversations with me, normally valued at $197, but my gift to you today! (3 available as of right now). Click on the link below and answer a few simple questions to apply. We’ll let you know if you got one of these coveted spots.
