Ground-breaking: Divinely Inspired: 90 Day Spiritual Bootcamp

- heal your past
- tune into your inner GPS and trust it
- open up your heart and become your own best friend
- tap into the Universal Energy of Love
- uncover your deepest passion and purpose
- truly step into your personal power
- turn your burning desires into reality through inspired and aligned action
- clear your path to abundance, wealth and prosperity
…then this is the program for you!
This is a ground-breaking, divinely downloaded program like no other that I know. The methods I use bypass the conscious mind, and dig deep into the subconscious, where 90% of our pain and trauma reside. It allows the energy of pain to simply release and dissolve once and for all, without even the need to understand or relive the traumatic experiences. You can spend thousands of dollars, and years in traditional therapy, and not achieve nearly as much as you achieve in 90 days. Believe me, I’m speaking from personal experience.
This is a one-on-one, 90 day, 12 step spiritual bootcamp, where for an hour a week you get private time with me on the phone, and where each energy session is specifically tailored to your needs, and yours alone. Plus, during the week you get email access to me, and fun and effective exercises and tools to make your progress quick and painless. This is as good as it gets, here at Camp Bliss!
Each week, we build upon the material from the previous week. However, it’s all about the experience, and not the words. Each week we add another element to your daily practice, so that by the time you’re done, it’s become a daily habit that will sustain you through any rough waters of life.
You’ll learn proven techniques of releasing the negative energy which bubbles to the surface, which will serve you for the rest of your life.
Can you afford it? The questions to ask yourself here are: ‘Can I afford NOT to take it?’, ‘What’s it costing me to stay exactly where I am?’
PRICE: $1,296

“The work I did with Julia through the
‘Ring of Love and Light’ 12 step program has given me a lot of strength and peace, has changed my whole outlook on life. I get up every day
with joy in my heart, and more certainty that today will be a good day. I have much more understanding and empathy towards other people and situations. I’ve become much
more trusting and patient, less nervous and tense. I have a much better connection with myself.
I’ve become a better version of me! My whole work situation has changed. Before, I couldn’t get any contracts for months,
now I have more work than I know what to do with, and not just any work, but things I love to do. I’m also much more clear about what my passions are, and am working on bringing lots of it into my life. I’ve also started to look after myself much better, I eat healthier, and
I’ve lost some weight, which was very hard for me to do before I took this program. I’ve also just booked my dream trip to NYC, LA and SF! ”
~ Paulina Gawecka, Warsaw,Poland

“I’m very grateful to Julia for the
‘Ring of Love and Light’ program. It is a
process of transformation, that has a lot of levels, and it’s up to each one of us how deep we go. I really wanted this, and was ready for the changes. I was getting the transformational energy, and a lot of support from Julia. There were days during this process, when
everything was happening as if by magic. I was able to attend to and resolve things in my life that I kept putting off before. After the first month on the program, I decided to be kinder to myself, and stop eating sugar and white flour. This wasn’t anything new, as I already tried it in the past, but then couldn’t wait to eat something delicious and bad for me. What was different and amazing this time, was that I wasn’t even thinking about it! It has been painless.
I’m slowly becoming the person I want to be, and I’m certain that I will succeed. Other things have also changed. It has become much more clear to me what I really want to be doing, what my passion is. A few weeks ago I applied for a grant from the EU, to
start my dream business, and I just found out I got it! Thank you Julia!”
~ Dorota Karpinska, Warsaw, Poland