Testimonials Old

“Receiving PLET™ sessions from Julia has played a vital and impactful role in some recent HUGE inner transformations I’ve had. Each session gave me a sense of being completely relaxed, held and taken care of. The effects of each session were always different, as I always set different intentions for them, but I always seemed to get exactly what I needed. The most notable and consistent feeling I experienced afterwards was that of feeling “cleaner”, as if some old gunk that had been hanging around for years inside me had been gently but permanently wiped away. This work with Julia has been truly miraculous, and has helped me truly step into who I really am. As a result, I feel very much aligned and clear on who I am, what my life’s work is, and how to trust myself, so much so that I manifested my dream gig – working on my life-long mentor Neale Donald Walsch’s coaching team (author of best-selling Conversations with God books)! Julia’s sessions definitely helped make that a reality, she is a wonderful healer and I feel so blessed to have her in my life.” ~ Nova Wightman, CPCC, , Minnesota




“I have experienced absolute love, expansion and a visceral awareness of energy moving in my body as a result of working with Julia Maria Lloyd. I feel that the shifts that I desired and the intentions that I set for our session exceeded the expectations that I held. I am confident that my life has become more full, the love that I feel in my life is deeper and more rich and I am able to live life with an openness that I have never experienced before working with Julia. I love her confidence and openness to Life, and feel that Julia’s Intentions are Honest and Pure, it feels like being wrapped in a soft, warm blanket of Love.” ~ Cassandra Lyons, Inspiring Entrepreneurs to Connect to Their InnerCalling and Creating the Life & Business of Their Dreams!Through Empowerment & Fulfillment Coaching, healingfromwithinmn@gmail.com



“My energy sessions with Julia are an absolute treat and special way for me to feel filled up with love, peace, and connection with myself. I love taking time out of my day for myself and feel like I’m being hugged with the warmth coming from Julia. I especially appreciate it on the days when I’m feeling tired and weak need a little assistance getting centered and connected to the love within myself. When I open myself up to the light she’s sending me I walk through the rest of my day and week with more patience, forgiveness, and a softer outlook on the experiences around me.” ~ Nicole, Minneapolis, MN


“The work I did with Julia through the Ring of Love and Light 12 step program has given me a lot of strength and peace, has changed my whole outlook on life. I get up every day with joy in my heart, and more certainty that today will be a good day. I have much more understanding and empathy towards other people and situations. I’ve become much more trusting and patient, less nervous and tense. I have a much better connection with myself. I’ve become a better version of me! My whole work situation has changed. Before, I couldn’t get any contracts for months, now I have more work than I know what to do with, and not just any work, but things I love to do. I’m also much more clear about what my passions are, and am working on bringing lots of it into my life. I’ve also started to look after myself much better, I eat healthier, and I’ve lost some weight, which was very hard for me to do before I took this program. I’ve also just booked my dream trip to NYC, LA and SF! ” ~ Paulina Gawecka, Warsaw,Poland


“I’m very grateful to Julia for the Ring of Love and Light program. It is a process of transformation, that has a lot of levels, and it’s up to each one of us how deep we go. I really wanted this, and was ready for the changes. I was getting the transformational energy, and a lot of support from Julia. There were days during this process, when everything was happening as if by magic. I was able to attend to and resolve things in my life that I kept putting off before. After the first month on the program, I decided to be kinder to myself, and stop eating sugar and white flour. This wasn’t anything new, as I already tried it in the past, but then couldn’t wait to eat something delicious and bad for me. What was different and amazing this time, was that I wasn’t even thinking about it! It has been painless. I’m slowly becoming the person I want to be, and I’m certain that I will succeed. Other things have also changed. It has become much more clear to me what I really want to be doing, what my passion is. A few weeks ago I applied for a grant from the EU, to start my dream business, and I just found out I got it! Thank you Julia!” ~ Dorota Karpinska, Warsaw, Poland





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