“Words to live by in 2014!”
by Julia Maria Lloyd
Since the beginning of this New Year 2014, I’ve been getting a strong nudge to pick a word or two, which were going to become a theme for me and my business in 2014. I’ve never really consciously done that before, but decided to follow my intuition and go for it, curious what was going to happen.
What came out of it was very surprising, profound and revealing for me, so I’ve decided to share this little game with you. Are you in?
First, I came up with 24 words (just the first 24 words that came into my head), and wrote them down in two columns. I then looked at column one and picked one word that jumped out at me first, without thinking about it or analysing its meaning. I wrote the word down, and then did the same for column two.
(I will reveal my two words at the very end of this article, as I don’t want to influence you)
You can of course make your own list of words, if you like, or you can use mine, it’s up to you. Here are my words in two columns:
Authenticity Faith
Heart Beliefs
Success Money
Team Health
Fitness Love
Friendship Speaking
Ease Adventure
Integrity Purpose
Passion Courage
Action Travel
Abundance Wealth
Curiosity Grace
Have you picked? Now I have a few questions for you, and I encourage you to journal your answers:
- Which two words did you get?
- What do these two words mean to you, personally and in your business?
- How are they going to influence your decisions for 2014?
- Are you surprised that you picked these particular words?
Alright, so now is the time to reveal mine:
“Heart and Authenticity”
As soon as I saw them, I realized the importance of these two words for me! They will definitely be my theme for 2014 in everything I do, in my business ventures, and in my personal life, my ‘guiding light’. Together, they are the essence of why I do what I do, and why I am in business. Isn’t it cool?
I hope yours were just as significant and important to you, as mine were to me.
Wishing you a successful 2014, fulfilling you deepest dreams and desires, while sharing your authentic gifts with the world!
I’d love to hear your thoughts in the comments below.
With love and bliss,
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You’re very welcome.
I like your word game I used your lists. I chose Passion and Action. For me it is important that I take the appropriate actions to achieve what I am passionate about.
Thank you
Great! Passion and Action sound like a winning combo. You’re absolutely right, one without the other doesn’t really achieve much, does it? Thank you for taking the time to comment, William. Wishing you success in 2014!